Finding Work as a disabled person

Finding work as a disabled person is hard. It feels soul-destroying at times. Scrolling through jobs, so many too many hours, in the wrong location, require a driving license, not in a wheelchair-accessible location.

Even websites and schemes aimed to help disabled people into work often have jobs listed that are of too many hours, or clearly geared and towards a preference of full-time working. I’ve tried evenbreak, I’ve tried to change 100 in addition to your standard job search website and it’s hard. It’s hard seeing time and time again that the world isn’t catered to the nature of your energy limiting conditions and the fact that you can only work very part time.

And then there’s the outright discrimination if you get an in person interview and appear disabled. I recently got rejected because I apparently wasn’t available on the evenings required. But I said I was flexible and available every evening at the interview.

Make that make sense.

They didn’t even try and come up with a reason that made sense, like going with a more qualified or experienced candidate.

It’s incredibly frustrating and even more so in light of the governments recent attacks on disabled people. The fact that people think we’re scroungers if we’re not able to work enough to survive without benefits or find work to begin with.

Most disabled people want to work, want to contribute but society puts barriers in the way. Our bodies put barriers in the way and that is incredibly frustrating.

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